Sensible people know that Steven Moffar is actually one of the best script writers Doctor Who might have got to do the job of a main editor, and I guess it's not only me loving his episodes we have seen so far. And even if I have to admit that yes, I disliked the promised 6o second bit of the new episode (I know time is relative, but without the long trailer there are only about 2o seconds left) and yes, Blink wasn't Moffat's masterpiece, Lawrence Miles seems to forget that Blink was THE lowbudget episode of that season (s3), nevertheless it scooped a BAFTA, somehow. (Well, considering season 3's other episodes, that wasn't such a big surprise.)
Furthermore, in my opinion Doctor Who is still one of those TV shows where I actually do have the feeling that it lives of these "in between" parts (as Mr. Miles calls them). E.g. remembering Partners in Crime I for my part was much more enthusiastic about having Donna in it than about those extraordinary cute fat-chunks called Adiposes. And talking about Moffat's Girl in the Fireplace, it was all about those parts "in between". Now I won't quarrel about David Tennant's interpretation of the Doctor, I guess I couldn't be enough objective for that, although I really didn't liked a few things RTD wrote his Doctor into (I'm still trying to forget a few things about End of Time), but I have to say that some of the best Doctor Who stories I've seen so far belong to the 1oth Doctor's era.
Anyway, at least thanks for keeping those terms straight. I hate reading Doctor Who related articles not having their vocabulary right. Come on, I have just spotted the word "Tardis" in the rADIO tIMES, now how does that look like?