Sunday, 1 November 2009

Sarah's tying the knot

I know, I'm terribly late, and I'm really glad that there isn't an organization for the well-fare of blogs, otherwise, I would get mentioned on their "no-go" list.

So, first things first.

If you have managed not to come across of the "Wedding of Sarah Jane Smith" 2 parter yet, then you can find a link here. (part 1) (part 2, and don't worry about the video title saying part 5, that's ok)

I'm going to write a review in a few days, I'm sorry about the delay, but actually, yes, I am awfully busy ATM... Oh, and don't be disappointed, the Doctor doesn't really appear a lot in part 1... but in part 2, still, I recommend watching both parts as otherwise the story gets just too confusing.

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