Friday, 12 February 2010

The Big Moff speaks and the Whoniverse listens

When I finished reading this (that's the DWM 418 Steven Moffat interview, BTW) almost 2 weeks ago (sry, I have been busy) I couldn't help loving it.

Well, I think there is no need in pointing out that Moffat is a genius, and I have to admit he used every single trick I could (and couldn't) think of to get us on his side. Additionally, he knows in what fans are interested, or at least why fans are reading interviews in the first place. And he made sure we get served.

I loved the story about how Matt Smith's (and Karen Gillan's) Doctor Who-Casting was like, how they finally found his costume (fans LOVE last-second decisions) and I guess Moffat is also very aware of the effect the words "conservative" and "2nd Doctor" have on fans. So all in all, he knows that he managed to do a quite nice combination: He gives us a pretty young Doctor who gets the job of bringing back some of the good "old" Doctor Who magic a few fans missed during the RTD era.

Furthermore, Moffat also destroys at least one not entirely uninteresting rumour about the show's rather recent past.
I guess there isn't a fan to whom the date "29th Oct. 2oo9" doesn't ring a rather sad bell, when David Tennant won that particular BAFTA award during which's thank-you speech he announced that in the next season there will be a different actor doing the "best job in the word", as he liked to call it. For this many optimistic fans couldn't help themselves speculating about what would have happened if he hadn't won that one. Thanks to Moffat we do know now: it wouldn't have changed a thing. David Tennant had to make up his mind about this somwhen after the "library 2 parter" shootings got finished, so this wasn't such a spontaneous decision as it may have seemed to a few fans out there.*

Moreover, this also tells us that Moffat had more than just "a lot of time" to think about his first "main editor" episode and season.

And he seems to be also very aware of what his audience expect of him or of a good series, maybe more than RTD ever did, (I guess Moffat's "Tim Burton"-ishness isn't just a fancy of him) and there is evidence that he will combine this brilliantly (I'm very sorry to use that word) with the show's heritage. Firstly, he knows this show has a history on its own and secondly, he does so as a fan. Maybe I'm repeating myself, but I can't possibly think of someone whom I would have rather liked to do this job than him.

Finally, I guess I'm not the only one who starts being a bit enthusiastic, or at least curious about, what Moffat's heritage is going to be.


*Well, there had been also more unpleasant ones... E.g. looking back, it seems obvious that around then the Beeb knew that it won't be able to spend as much money on its "flag-ship"- show as it did in the past, so a few people said that maybe that decision was also about money... but now that has been busted. Hurray.

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