Friday, 15 April 2011

Matt Smith's Introduction to Doctor Who

Just dedicate 8 minutes of your precious life to watch that interview: Matt Smith gives a really nice summary of Doctor Who's (that's the show's) main ideas, which most fans know by heart, however, we can't take for granted that people who are actually making this series also agree with them. Furthermore, now we know how to answer questions such as what is Doctor Who about ('A mad man comes along and saves the day with a toaster and with a piece of string. ' just in case you did not know) and if I should find myself confronted with someone asking me to describe the Doctor's character, I guess I'm going to give them a link.

I know, longterm fans are not going to learn any shocking details in those 8 minutes; the interview is rather an ode about how great the series and Moffat's story telling is. And I guess if I were not such a big Moffat fan myself I could not stop pondering whether he had a certain motive to call Moffat the greatest science-fiction writer in the world... But as things are, I could not agree more. Moffat certainly brought back the mystery to Doctor Who. It is genuinely scary and witty at the same time. Additionally, there is again a generation of children to whom watching the episodes from behind the sofa does make sense.

The only thing I'm not too sure about is whether people who have never seen Doctor Who before could really understand season 6 without any problems. After all, looking at what we have learned so far, the opening 2 parter has the impression of being a firework of hints and teasers referring back to loose ends and at the same time introducing completely a new set of them. Still, the interview as such is maybe the best (and shortest) available summary and a pretty good introduction dealing with the most important concept the series is about.

Anyway, I guess the interview's main purpose is that of getting us excited. And that is something it really achieves to do. I for my part can't wait.

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