Tuesday, 1 October 2013

Moffat on Continuty Fixes, Scarfs and Shoelaces

Ladies and Gentlemen, this is the Nerdcubed team interviewing the Mighty Moff.

And actually, as nerds go, the big, important questions which have been nagging Who's fanbase do not get asked, because it's a well known fact that Moffat would not answer them. So, why waste time and ask him in the first place.

But there is some new information we get. The Moff promies that the Peter-Capaldi-in-'The Fires of Pompeii'-thing will be addressed in the future...

He also says why the Doctor seems to have a certain fondness for humans and Earth: we look like his people and additionally, he points out that we do not see those stories in which he interacts with 'jellymonsters on jellyplanet' which are, 'frankly just too boring to watch'. And yes, those are actual quotes.
One of the most shocking things (as far as I'm concerned) is that Steven Moffat considers the TARDIS to be a machine which closely resembles a living creature, while the series actually makes us suggesting the opposite (a living thing which resembles a machine): after all, the Doctor states several times that the TARDIS cannot be built and that at least parts of it are grown, and  biologically, it's only living things which grow.  At the same time, Moffat says that he sees the TARDIS as a party animal who thinks about the Doctor as her pet.

The Moff does not approve of the popular regeneration theory, saying that the Doctor gets close to immune to whatever has induced the regeneration process. He mentions that in 'The End of Time' was not the first time the Doctor had to regenerate due to a radiation overdose.

Then we have some comments on the role of the Silence when it comes to Who's several continuity fixes, why Doctor Who and the show's ratings are not going down, and that Moffat is not planning to leave a mark on the UK's other cultural landmarks.

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