Friday, 8 November 2013

The First 'The Day of the Doctor' Clip

Seriously, if you want to enjoy the 5oth aniversary without being spoiled in advance, you may not want to read this post and/or watch the video. Then again, it's not exactly giving away the special's synopsis, but deals with mere speculations. 

Back to the eagerly awaited news. While, as requested, the #SaveTheDay hashtag has been trending the Beeb released a 14 second clip of 'The Day of the Doctor' featuring an, according to Clara, impossible painting.

So, the question is, why does Clara think that painting is impossible? To bring some light into this matter, here is a screencap of the aformentioned picture. What can we see?

Not much at first glance... That's the least pixel-y image I could find, and as I was not happy I decided to  refocus, resharpen and recontrast the original a bit and this is the result:

I know, not CSI worthy, but still better than the first one.
Is it just me, or does the burning tower look a lot like the Citadel of the Time Lords back in good old Gallifrey. And the reason for Clara recognising it is that because she has been basically part of the Doctor's timeline, she of course has to know how the most prestigious building of the Doctor's home planet looks like. 

The more intriguing question is, why is it burning? Has it something to do with the Time War? And why should Queen Elizabeth I be linked to it? She may know about it because she used to be a love-interest of the Doctor. But why paint a picture about the Time War?

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