Wednesday, 23 May 2012

Moffat's Choice

Up to now I have done a great job in not taking part in the 'oh my dear, one of the main characters is going to die in the season opener! Let's write a post about it' -frenzy. Actually, the reason for my lacking enthusiasm is that with Moffat having killed each of the main characters at least once last year it's hard to take him seriously. Moreover we have various other reasons to think that whoever is going to die will not stay dead for long. Maybe the most obvious one is that all three of them have been spotted filming for future episodes. So, the only reasonable possibility of why this could get us excited is that we also know that 'The Impossible Astronaut' 2 parter has a number of flash-forwards. And if the season opener started with the actual finale (don't ask me which one as there seem to be 2 this year) things could get more complicated than they seem to be now. But that is not very likely, for what we can assume that is not what was on Moffat's mind when writing this season's opener.

So, with having told you why not to take the whole thing too seriously, let the speculations begin.
Rory is maybe the first candidate who comes to ones mind when talking about this topic. Still, I don't think that Moffat is going to kill Rory again. I mean, how often can you get rid of him and bring him back before fans start complaining about it. That's why he seems to be out of question.

While Amy isn't. Although it might be bad for the ratings, for what I'm not sure whether Moffat is brave enough to kill her...

In my humble opinion the most likely option is River. And I know that she is supposed to die in The Library. But that's the joke. After all, that is the only thing we are not expecting. Fans would be genuinely shocked. However, with Moffat bringing her back anyway it would not even interfere with canon. Not as if Moffat needed to care about this stuff.

The only character whose death I'm not really taking into account is the Doctor's. It is just not very likely. And I bet it's hard to write a season with having killed the main character in the first episode. Well, Moffat says his choice will make people go 'What the hell?', however, I think that would be a too big bit to swallow.

But no matter whom Moffat chooses to die, maybe the most interesting part of the story is how he is going to bring him or her back again.

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