Wednesday, 23 May 2012

The Big Moff at his Best... far.

It shouldn't be hard to notice that this time it was the Big Moff's pen which brought 'Time of the Angels' to paper.

I have to say I don't know whether he has planned this all along (good, I guess it is safe to say we know he hasn't) but this was a great combination of Moffat's best creations, River Song and the Weeping Angels. Additionally, Moffat lives up to our expectations by writing a great story with an awesome cliffhanger. Fans can't wish for more, can they? (Hold on a sec, whichsing for more is our  number one privilege, so yes we can...)

Anyway, I guess I don't need to point out that IMHO this was very likely the best proper episode so far. I like the way River is teasing (and at the same time not-teasing) him about his future. Plus, whatever she has told him when they were , it was surely not very romantic and the Doctor seem to have reasons not to trust her with his life, unlike her, as she isn't missing a chance to point this out. Further, she says she has pictures of all his faces and although we don't really know how far that really goes, we have good old Doctor Who school-book reasons to assume that all in all there can't be more than 3 portraits of the Doctor in that diary.

BTW, I think this was the first time the Doctor has bit a companion of him. I hope Timelords aren't venomous (lol).

Ok, I bet that it's not only me who want to find out what that incredibly stupid and dangerous idea is going to be...

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