Saturday, 10 August 2013

Peter Capaldi's Letter to His Younger Self

Ladies and gentlemen, I proudly present Peter Capaldi letter to his younger self. Now, that he's about to have a time machine, he'll be even one of those few lucky ones who'll be able to deliver it...

It's a lovely piece of reading on how, as a kid, he wasn't exactly happy about being a geek
I wish I’d known that one day the geek would inherit the Earth. When I was 16, geeks hadn’t been invented, so being tall and skinny, into horror movies and sci-fi and unable to play football simply made me the go-to guy for the sociopaths.
He also reveals his thoughts on the 'neutral' language actors are required to speak, and that he'd tell his younger self to worry less, as it's a waste of time, and to embrace being different. Which is actually an advice which goes for all of us.

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