Monday, 5 August 2013

Moffat on His Choice

To many fans, especially those who weren't spoiled by the leaks, Moffat casting Peter Capaldi as the 12th Doctor came as a surprise. Well, I do not know about you and your friends but if someone would have made a poll among my circle of friends, their guess would have been a less experienced actor. 

However, it's certainly not only them, but all Whovians who are keen on the story behind Moffat's choice, and fortunately 'DigitalSpy' makes sure we get served. 

Maybe the most burning question coming to our mind is if Moffat's big plan was to go for an older actor as the Doctor all along. His answer:
I  think it's good that we've got a different age [...] after Matt showed us all how to be a 20s Doctor. I don't know what you would do after that, because he was so perfect. [...] So it makes life easier, I suppose, that Peter is different. But that wasn't the reason.
And, the most important question of all of them; how is the 12th Doctor going to be like? Moffat does not know yet. 

And what will he wear?
Clothes. Anything else would be just really shocking!

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